Introductory Beginner Clinic:
Learn the basic skills, strategies, rules, scoring, and develop proper techniques. Must have at least 3 people signed up to conduct clinic.
1 HR/ $20
Wednesdays: 7:00-8:00 PM
Drill Sessions 3.0+:
Skill development on techniques as well as drills to help improve every area of the court. Must already have learned scoring and have played at least 4 months.
1 HR/ $20 1.5HR /$25
Saturday: (Strategy, Skills and Games): 11:30 AM -12:30 PM
Private and Group Lessons:
Recommended for players, partners, or groups looking for individual instruction, stroke production/development, strategies, and technique
Private lessons 85/HR
Group Private 3-4 Player $25/HR per person
Advanced Clinic:
Open play for all players who know how to play games, score, and have some experience. 3.0-5.0 players are welcome. Must do a 15 minute free evaluation with Paul to participate.
$25Per Person
Saturday 2 PM - 3:30 PM

For questions or additional information, please contact Paul Jasperson at 801-397-2582